Thursday 3 December 2015

What is Copyright?

Copyright is a way of protecting the ownership of different media.
For example copyright for a website is usually at the bottom of the web-page.
When you have clicked this link, scroll down
This copyright for this web-page is owned by Arsenal F.c

This the link to the song:
Copyright: 2015 Stormzy
Stormzy owns this copyright himself

Hyperlinks are things that connect one page to another by clicking 'Hyperlink' you can a text based link, picture based link or a video based link.

Thursday 19 November 2015

I got this on 'The Lad', by using embedded code

Drake with a lightsaber from '' by using embedded code

Watch live video from RussUK on
In conclusion by the end of this lesson i know how to put embedded code into a blog
I clicked the clapper board at the top of the page, then clicked 'My YouTube videos' and selected it.
This is a parody John Lewis advert with Darth Vader. I clicked the clapper board at the top of the page, then clicked 'My YouTube videos' and selected it.

This a video made by Roman Atwood. I clicked the clapper board at the top of the page, then clicked 'My YouTube videos' and selected it.

I clicked the clapper board at the top of the page, then clicked 'My YouTube videos' and selected it.

Brutal WWE Moves on Girls, this video was embedded code

Devvo kicks a pigeon, this video was embedded code

Francis reacts to Star Wars trailer, this video was embedded code

Thursday 15 October 2015

In this lesson i have achieved:
A post to explain what is the purpose of this blog, and the different kinds of media that could be featured:
Digital graphics
Photographic work
Animated gif
Video work

Video games

Free Sonic Game!
Games Knugo

Features of this blog

This blog is going to feature:

Digital Graphics:


This photo is photo shopped, one example of what Photoshop can do, I did not make this image, the web link is:

Photographic work: This is an example of photographic work which has taken a image from one image and put it in another.
I got this image from:

Animation: This a photo of a family from another universe that was created in animation, The Simpsons, I do not own 'The Simpsons' i got this image from

Animated gif: This an animated gif that i got from

Video work: The video work that will be on this blog will be my own when i have made it so it will be in a different post altogether. 

Video games: The video games 

Thursday 24 September 2015
Check this blog out for up to date Arsenal news

The Greatest Comeback in Football History

I actually couldn't believe this happened, what an absolute comeback, Goal scores-
Theo Walcott-45
Theo Walcott-90
Theo Walcott-120